

Well Here are some more "Crafty Things" from Robyn's Workshop. Sorry it has taken me so long but I've been busy doing nothing.

These are a set of cushion covers made for a lady in town. Posted by Picasa

Tartan Quilt & Tessellating Stars.

1. This was a project on the "Simply Quilts" show on Austar.Not what I want for a quilt top but it looks good as a quilt back.
2.I only finnished this one last week. It was our July Patchwork project. NO Kitty you can't have this one its going in the Quilt Show next year. Posted by Picasa

Scrappy Cat Quilts.

After fighting for the one & only quilt with my 3 cats at night when I watched TV, I decided to make them one of their own. After I cut up all my scraps I had enough to make 2 quilts. Now we're all happy & warm. Posted by Picasa

Butterflys & Gnomes

I wanted to make a Embroided quilt like this, but couldn't decide on either Butterflys or Gnomes so I did both, & I'm really happy with the way it turned out. Posted by Picasa

Simon's Folly Quilt Block & Aussie Outback Wallhanging.

1.A block from "Simon's Folly's Quilt Book" I'm going to make the whole quilt in creams one day.
2. My one & only Raw-edge Applique piece. Made at a workshop with Lyn Cochrane from Roma. Posted by Picasa